Comments on the League of Women Voters.  We Need a New Sheriff of Jo Daviess County! Help Us! Where is the Primary Candidate Forum this Year, Ladies?

November 5, 2002

Register and Vote!  We Need a New Sheriff in Jo Daviess County! Please Help Remove Him! VOTE!
  VOTERS,    For many, many years, Bonnie Cox, put together a quality chapter of an organization. Recently she was replaced by a new president. That new president is none other than, the wife of Chief Deputy Brian Melton. The new president is Carrie Altifillisch-Melton!

I received an invitation to the Candidate Forum that was scheduled for February 26, 2002 at the Galena Middle School. That invitation was responded to on February 11, 2002. The League always puts on a Forum for the Public to meet and hear the candidates. This as part of their nonpartisan charter.  They cancelled the Forum this year.

Carrie Altifillisch-Melton is the executive director of the Choices Organization. This is the same person who is believed to be the anonymous person who gave fraudulent, illegal testimony at the November 1, 1999 Hearing that resulted in the illegal looting of my residence by the Jo Daviess County Sheriff's Department.

I will contact the League of Women Voters National Headquarters and the State of Illinois Board of Elections. They may need to reorganize as a Supportive Political Committee. I will keep you posted here, regardless of the outcome of my candidacy. I plan to keep this site up until the election of 2006.   

 Update: I received a call from Lynn Gallagher, the Forum Chairperson for the League of Women Voters. She informed me that not one single Democrat in the County would appear so they had to cancel the Forum account of their By-Laws. When asked about democrat Sheriff candidate Elton Self, Ms. Gallagher said Elton Self had a prior commitment and would not show.  I contacted the National League of Women Voters and requested an email of the By-Laws to verify this claim. Those By-Laws were not made available to me. I stand on these thoughts. I feel there are probably reasons they can have a Forum if they really wanted one.

Update on LVW Editorial of 3-13-02 Galena Gazette:

I have still not received a complete copy of the LWV by-laws. I have a hard time believe not one single Democrat in the County on the Ballot would make an appearance. If I understand what their by-laws say. To believe this had to be cancelled just because a single candidate of one race could not show up is a little hard for me to believe. If they would be so kind as to forward me a complete copy of all documents related to their decision. I will correct any errors in my conclusions. Having gone through hundreds and hundreds of pages of ABA Rules, Judicial Rules and Canons, County Board Statutes, every ILCS concerning every County position; a few pages from the League of Women Voters would be refreshing. Please forward all the info, please. If you can without defeating yourselves. At least answer this one question concerning your statement in the Gazette. "The Jo Daviess County League has also enacted a local candidate participation policy that cites if there is a field of two parties and one party is absent, a forum cannot continue." When was that policy enacted? I seem to remember in races past that was not the policy. Please elaborate if you can. You have my email on this site. Thank you. Greg.